RNN for Kanga ~ This is MY TEST page so I dont mess Yours up..Do you like this templant ? Many more to look at but this is nice and clean and good on the eyes.. Stay Tuned for more ~ HAGD ! ..Guess I'm just bored with the other since I look so many times a day to get it right.. And this looks the same on IE too

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sydney ~ 8:42pm

Sydney arrives to the box at 8:42 pm.

It was wonderful seeing our Sydney tonight after only a very short visit in the wee hrs yesterday morning. Tonight she went in the box and performed her usual grooming and rested up a bit. Her feathers are looking really good these days and seems the molting has restored her true beauty. Molting usually ends in the fall but I think Sydney is ahead of the game and “Looking Good”
Sydney left the box at 9:50 pm after something caught her attention from outside and off she flew. Mel has not been seen tonight, but I’m sure not to far away for his gal or his castle. 

An owls eyes have the power to speak a great language.